Fabulous headshot event with this crew. So many beautiful people came to update their photos with us this morning. Fresh new photos are always exciting. Thanks to Deb Falco Photography!

Fabulous headshot event with this crew. So many beautiful people came to update their photos with us this morning. Fresh new photos are always exciting. Thanks to Deb Falco Photography!
What an incredible event we had last night!! Thank you to our Agents who came out and thank you to our Agents who came out and thank you to my sponsors, Patty Durant, Camille Johnson Kirwin, and Richard Morris. And thank you to my assistant Victoria Gilardi.
HUGE thank you to all of our sponsors, SEVRAR staff, and committee members!
Results from our Blood Drive: 48 Successful Donations!
Awesome job. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who came out and supported us. 48 donations is a lot of Blood. Most Blood Drives bring in less than 20. So a huge kudos to everyone who was a part of this special event.
Thanks to everyone that came out!